If There Are To Be Other Posts…

Than there must be a first! Hello there, folks, I am officially typing the first post for the website at Grace College while the Mrs. is in class. See, I currently work a Mon-Thursday 40 hour week, so my free Fridays are spent hanging out with her while she’s at college. It has been a good day thus far full of sunny weather and Arby’s for lunch. The idea for this website mainly comes from how many people Lindsey and I meet and we’re always trying to give so many types of contact information (thanks social media…) and trying to figure out what exactly to say to ourselves when we only have a few precious moments. I hope this works out that those who come to this website can learn a thing or two about us and that we can continuously update about our daily lives that not only is enjoyable to read but can teach someone something (what that something is…I don’t know… – just trying to have a little fun).